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Six New Technologies That Will Reshape Your Business by Ian Braithwaite

イアン(Ian Braithwaite)が説明する、6つの技術が創りだす新しいビジネス。AR、タッチ、3Dプリンティングなど、興味深い内容だ。


Last week Gartner published an ‘Executive Advisory’ entitled ‘Six New Technologies That Will Reshape Your Business’. 

In this publication, they list 6 technologies that they believe will transform business during the next three to 10 years, these are:
·  The Real-World Web of smart objects and places
·  Augmented reality, which provides contextual information as an overlay on the physical world
·  Next-generation user interfaces, including touch, gesture and tangible computing
·  Predictive analytics of new data sources and types
·  3D printing of physical models and spare parts
·  Mobile robots for remote presence and mobile infrastructure
Importantly, and in my opinion, different from the average Gartner report, is a specific direction to industries with a high degree of "physicality" (manufacturing, logistics, retail, oil and gas) to examine all these technology trends, because many more elements of process and product will take advantage of the digital world.
Take a look at the discussion below and consider:
-  how you could exploit these new approaches,
-  how you could use them to innovate the customer experience or value proposition, and
-  what new markets they might open up

via ianbraithwaite.blogspot.com by Ian Braithwaite