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Vuzix Wrap 920AR 3D augmented reality glasses hands-on - #920AR #AR

2010年10月27日は、920AR  の話題で持ちきりだったようだ。いよいよ製品の全貌も明らかになりつつあるARグラス。コストパフォーマンスに優れたこのグラス、期待できそうだ。

Although Vuzix has just launched its £1499 3D augmented reality glasses, its Wrap 920AR headset, primarily for the development community and software professionals, this is only the latest salvo by the company in its AR roadmap.

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It is worth noting that, before we start, this specific iteration of Vuzix's Wrap 920 glasses is not intended for consumer use. Yes, they are available to anyone, but at £1499 a pop, it's unlikely that you'll be that interested.

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We had a European first in the office today with this demo of Vuzix's Augmented Reality spectacles. Combining augmented reality with 3D images they let you see three dimensional characters pop out of objects in the real world.
So looking through the glasses, dragons pop out of pages, volcanos erupt on a book in front of you and globes orbit your mug. A prototype was seen on the Gadget Show back in April, but this is the finished product now available for developers.
At £1500 the AR specs are not exactly for consumers and until 2011, only 200-300 models will be made.
We have literally seen the future... watch the video to see the demo with David Lock, the European head of Vuzix

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