xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Omnipresence 3D Security Solution for Defense and Public Safety - CWID 2010 entry #AR


NOTE: This presentation of Omnipresence 3D was prepared for CWID 2010. It focuses on the main benefits for Defense and Public Safety and uses industry-specific terminology.

Omnipresence 3D is a C4ISR (Command and Control) software for public safety, defense and homeland security.

This system connects to Common-of-the-shelf and legacy physical security equipment and presents operators with a unified interface that fuses real-time data and allows quick analysis of the situation. Operators can view and control all relevant equipment including video cameras and recorders, gunshot detectors, physical access control, GPS, radar, radio, intercom, public announcement and so on.

Using 3D algorithms that extend well beyond previous technologies like Google Earth, O3D synthesizes a seamless view from hundreds of video streams realistically projected over the perimeter of a city or military base. For instance, here we see three videos captured from the roof of a building, being projected realistically over the terrain and city environment. As we move around, relevant videos are automatically streamed in from the 3rd-party recorders and displayed on the 3D model.

Omnipresence 3D offers an unparalleled situational awareness. You can transition from a strategic, state-sized view to a tactical view instantly. In one click, you can enter buildings and navigate across individual floors. The video cameras and other equipment within or near the facility are immediately visible and controllable, eliminating the need to memorize where equipment is located.

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