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学校の教科書はTablet PC1台で ! - Get in the Kno with 14" tablet aimed at students #AR


It has been known for a while that Kno had a dual-screen tablet in the works. It's now announced a new single-screen model promising to be a more affordable but equally useful school bag accessory. Aimed specifically at students the massive 14" tablet was previously only going to be available with two screens, but realising that a cheaper device was necessary, consumers will now have a cheaper option.


Kno's goal is for the tablet to replace textbooks and with a large high-resolution screen, as well as internet access and handwriting recognition, it seems like it could transform many classrooms.

Kno's tablet of course features stiff competition from the iPad which already has a promising app for delivering textbooks and although it has already been adopted by some schools, those starting college may want something kinder on their bank balance. If it can get enough publishers signed up to its book store it's not hard to see how this could be a hit. So far McGraw Hill, Pearson and Wiley have all signed up.
Both tablets should be available by the end of the year and will be competitively priced. The dual-screen device is already said to be priced at under $1000 and the single-screen version looks like it will be significantly cheaper.

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