xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Total Immersionが日本での活動を本格的に開始した - Weekender met Daiji Hanaoka head of TI’s japanese office #AR #TotalImmersion



What do you think are the main differences between the Japanese and international markets?

The Japanese market is more specific than the rest of the world, and has to be considered different even from other parts of the Asia Pacific region. Many foreign executives and managers still forget or do not realize this important point. This is mostly due to their isolation on an island and from their cultural background. Even with the arrival of internet, Japan often developed its own standards and platforms. The country is quite reluctant to use global standards, and mostly wants the market to be treated in a local manner. Long term relationships and partnerships are key for the development of a successful business strategy in Japan. There are always key players to work with and rules to respect in order to enter the Japanese market.

I also think that there is a lack of leadership in corporate governance. This is mostly due to the fact that in Japanese culture, decisions are made by a group and not individually. The most challenging thing is to find solutions that reconcile the difference between a company’s business policy and the Japanese culture.

via Total Immersion