xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

東芝 - ジェスチャー制御テレビの登場 - Toshiba - Gesture Controlled TV - CES2010

東芝が、手のジェスチャーによって表示をコントロールするテレビを公開した。マイクロソフト XBOXキネクト(Kinect)でも、ジェスチャーコントロールは実現しているが、こちらは一般の家庭向けに考案されている点が異なるようだ。

Toshiba demonstrates their prototype of a TV remote controlled by hand gestures at CES 2010. The keyboard and mouse were two of the great leaps forward in simplifying user interfaces with computers. Gesture control, where control is done by merely moving your hands, is the next great leap forward in user interfaces with electronics of all kinds. We saw Microsoft's Kinect work with their Xbox, but not every person needs or wants a game console. Toshiba's gesture control TV brings gesture control to the general masses. Practically everyone these days has a TV!

I have to say that this is rather cool. No more rummaging through the coffee table or diving through the sofa cushions to find the remote control. All you have to do is put your hands and move them! There is one concern that comes to mind though... what happens during football season and all your friends are over watching the game and cheering? Will it be able to discriminate gestures then? Either way, this TV is sure to impress your guests!

The world's first ever Immersive Technology Summit will be held at the Los Angeles Center Studios (LACS) on October 14th, 2010.

This video is copyrighted by Recordere: www.recordere.dk

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