xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Android AR 3D Model Viewer Demo


AndAR Model Viewer is an Android application that is capable of displaying 3d models(wavefront obj) on Augmented Reality markers. Go to the project's website for detailed instructions.
Please report any bugs on the website.

AndAR is a project that tries to bring Augmented Reality onto the Android platform. The whole project is released under the GNU General Public License. This means you can freely use it in any of your projects, as long as you license them under the same license, this means the GPL. As it is a Open Source project any code contributions from you are welcome. ARToolworks offers commercial licensing for the underlying ARToolKit.