xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


2010年6月2日-3日の2日間、アメリカ・カリフォルニア州にあるサンタクララサンタクララコンベンションセンターで初めて世界的なAR(Augmented Reality 拡張現実)技術専門のビジネスイベント「are2010」が開催されるらし。これ、行きた〜い!

SAN FRANCISCO, January 19, 2010 – Augmented Reality Event (ARE), announced today that the first global conference dedicated to advancing the business of augmented reality will be held at Santa Clara Convention Center, June 2 – 3, 2010. The activities will be kicked off by a highly anticipated keynote from the “augmented reality prophet,” world-renowned author, futurist, editor and critic, Bruce Sterling.

Start-ups, developers, mobile and hardware companies along with organizations within entertainment, media, education, healthcare, government, tourism, and many more, will gather to focus on evolving the much hyped technology into a productive, sustainable and entertaining new medium. ARE will include more than 30 sessions organized into business, technology and production tracks, designed to address topics such as:

  • current augmented reality market scope and what’s expected in the next 5 years,
  • latest augmented reality innovations, engines and tools,
  • showcases and postmortems of landmark augmented reality projects
  • how to fund and build a successful augmented reality start up,
  • how to leverage augmented reality to advance your brand, attract and keep your customers, and
  • how to build successful campaigns and products that will delight users.