xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Millennium augmented reality tool .:. Experiential Design Lab


One of India's biggest Real Estate Investment Funds has recently launched an initiative called Spire World.
Spire World is a construction and development platform based on a Mainstream Green ideology. 
Spire World chose Experiential Design Lab for presenting to the investors panel the exceptional and innovative project of Flexi Homes - the 100% customizable apartments.

In order to best represent the innovative aspects of the idea, and the inherent interactive nature of such concept, we designed and implemented a Mixed Reality Stage that would allow, during the presentation, to draw on paper an apartment plan to then seeing it building up in a real-time 3D rendering.
The hand-sketch generated virtual model could be rotated just by rotating the sketch, to see all the apartment features from various points of view.
Furthermore, the presentation tool allowed to change materials through a special set of physical tags. These special tags represented various finishings applicable as if they were a house themes.

The presentation tool we created allowed Spire World to successfully:
- Explain and show in real-time their innovative business concept, giving the investors audience a visible and hands on experience
- Show their innovative attitude
- Grow in credibility with the audience
- Impress and be memorable

Interactive presentation concept, design and implementation by Experiential Design Lab
Video soundtrack: Silence - 'Follow Me'