xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

日本で行われたARセミナー / barcamp.org/BarCamp-Tokyo2009

Weird Japanese Toys & Tools


Fumi Yamazaki twitter.com/fumi fumijp.blogspot.com/

Videos showed in the presentations
Hatsune Miku "Melt" tinyurl.com/pl2h9u
-user generated music (full version) tinyurl.com/qfajyy

3D Miku video tinyurl.com/qkjo78
-user generated 3D anime video(full version) tinyurl.com/on3dre

MikuMiku Dance tinyurl.com/oy3zqx
-user generated 3D animation rendering software and model (full version) tinyurl.com/p7xq68

Excel animation tinyurl.com/oeywfz
-user generated animation video using Excel spreadsheet(full version) fumi.vox.com/library/video/6a00c10e0f7408d3b40100a7f866fe000e.html

Innocence tinyurl.com/ohqhlv
-user generated animation video that shows imaginary musical instrument(full version) tinyurl.com/phkqwg

AR Innocence tinyurl.com/quxte5
-user generated Augmented Reality musical instrument(full version) tinyurl.com/rduugk

AR UmaUma tinyurl.com/odegs9
-user generated AR dance video(full version) tinyurl.com/osawbv

ARis tinyurl.com/orv73c
-AR figure which is a commercial product(full version) tinyurl.com/olexsh

DENPA tinyurl.com/raz8tc
-a video of a cosplay/music/dance event

presentation slides

Photo credit Genki Unno flickr.com/photos/genkiu/3535589886/

Japanese Tokyo Bar Camp blog post:

A blog post by Lauren Shannon