xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)



4月7日開幕の劇団四季が提供する「リトルマーメイド」。開幕を記念して、3月20日から10か所で「ARフォトラリー」が開催あsれる。ARカメラアプリで楽しめる上、特典としスペシャル画像がもらえる無料アプリとなっているから楽しみだ。 期間 :3月20日(…


This way, it may be getting involved with the children forget the pain. これなら、子供たちは痛みを忘れて夢中になれるかもしれないね。 (via YouTube by Apg Clift)

Tablets in the Industrial Environment - アニメで分かる工業向け拡張現実利用のメリット

Visualization and virtualization technology, do not have to be an expert or non-remote, you can respond appropriately. That is the effect of using the AR. 可視化と仮想化の技術により、遠隔でも非熟練者でなくても、適切な対応ができる。それがAR…

App uses augmented reality to find your car - 駐車場に停めた自動車の場所を教えてくれるARアプリ

Youare often that when you stop the car in a large parking lot, forget where it is. The application presented here is for support to find out. I should not forget to use ... 広い駐車場に自動車を停めると、どこに有るか忘れてしまうことって多…

Augmented Reality Will Change Online Shopping Forever - ショッピングに変革をもたらす拡張現実技術について

How to not fail in the shopping would be what? Would not that ran in terms of small deviations after purchase with satisfaction before you buy? ショッピングで失敗しないための方法は何であろう? 満足度は購入前と購入後の乖離が少ないという点に…

T-Rex napada Zrenjanin - 通りの景色を認識して恐竜を出現させるAR

I think it is a little surprising is a three-dimensional view of the people, in fact, and are often seen in two dimensions. Looking at the picture, the AR camera application towards the road from a certain direction, it is made ​​to appear…

Augmented Reality unterstützt Fertigungsprozesse - 工業製品の製造プロセスでARの技術が使用される

Applications is the use of augmented reality, and the general consumer, use in production and support have emerged. Also become indispensable technology would be close. 拡張現実の使用される用途は、一般の消費者向けと、生産や支援での利用が進…

Wikitude Augmented 3D City Map - ARプラットフォームWikitudeの画像認識型ARのデモ

I did not have only a function of location information system originally, Wikitude's AR platform for mobile. We will be able to view the 3DCG in image recognition already. Here, we will introduce a demonstration has been made ​​so that the…

Maryland Football - Augmented Reality - メリーランド州のフットボールでARを使用したプロモーションを実施

In sports-related cases of promotion that uses the technology of augmented reality is rapidly on a global scale! It's a app for smartphones and tablets from paper that flyer, to connect to the net, that diffusion function SNS. 世界的にスポ…