xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


David Bowie Augmented reality billboard - Use Aurasma

デビッド・ボーイの最新アルバムのプロモーションで利用されたスマートフォン向けAR。サウスウィリアムストリート ダブリンのナイトライフのホットスポットで使用されたとのこと。シャッターのQRcodeを、スマートフォンのQRcode読取りアプリで読み取ると、画…

www.vncongnghe.com - Video giới thiệu kính thông minh Golden-i - HMDの実用的な利用方法

Find and catch the criminal police officers using the HMD. It seems to be just a movie RoboCop. Detailed information and a tend to miss, the human eye will become possible to analyze its comprehensive and vital information, and information…

Using Technology for Reading Comprehension of Academic Vocabulary: The Virtual Word Wall - 語学勉強のために利用されるAR-AURASMA

Augmented Reality technology has been considerable interest in the field of education. To be difficult from simple things like the simulation, the range available is wide. Here, for example AR language learning using image recognition tech…

Dark Potential Augmented Reality iPhone App - ゲームキャラと一緒に写真も撮れるスマホ向けAR

Have you ever wanted your picture taken with a miniature from Dark Potential? Of course you have! And now you can, with the Dark Potential Augmented Reality App. Install this app (hey, it's free!), print off a simple image, point your iPh…

The Creative Shop - 2012 City of Melbourne Knowledge Week AR

Huge monitor that is installed on top of the building in the city of Melbourne. When passing people who looked up, and airplanes that do not appear, however, there are popping up. Are becoming more common now, it's a method of promotion. …

Halifax Home Finder App Demo - 不動産を探すためのARアプリケーション

AR camera app "Halifax Home Finder" you can find real estate from location information. We will be able to access basic information on the fly of the immovable property. 位置情報から不動産を探すことができるARカメラアプリ"Halifax Home Finde…

FINHTML5 - Philipp Nagele, Wikitude - Adding Augmented Reality to the HTML5 mix

The AR system location information, Wikitude top class in the world. Content service has evolved considerably, have also been improved in terms of technology. AR platform it should also be noted and considered in future multi-platform HTML…

tripventure - location based games and guides - 位置情報系のAR冒険ゲーム

スマートフォンの位置情報技術を使用したAR冒険ゲーム "tripventure"。それぞれのゲームのストーリーに従ってその場所に隠されているヒントを探し出して進行していく。都市のリアルな情報を組み合わせることで、拡張性を持たせることができるであろう。 Whet…


本物のフェラーリに乗ってドライブすることはなかなか出来ないけど、ARだったら... We can not quite ride that you drive a real Ferrari, would I were able to AR. (via YouTube by nishkrup)

Filming Spyglass app using DIY stabilization system, an iPhone to DSLR camera mount

None of local photo stores had a suitable mount to stick an iPhone to a DSLR or HD cam in order to film what happens on screen with a renown augmented reality app Spyglass. So, I had to spend an evening to make my own - looks quite good. S…