xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


In the women's magazine Cosmopolitan, an extension of the magazine (Auramsa) is used AR. - 女性誌コスモポリタンでAR採用

You can start moving in the photo magazine published photos of each page of the article, to launch a dedicated app pre-installed, and point the camera and communicate information that is not conveyed in the photo. 各ページの記事の写真に、…

Leap Motion - 噂の手の動きを認識する高性能コントローラーの出荷がいよいよ開始される?

It's almost like a movie in the future. That in front of the screen, move your hands and fingers, the new controller can operate freely. If this product becomes a reality, seems to start shipping right now. As presented here, a finger brus…

ARM Power - Is this the arm controller ?

It seems that those attached to the arm to operate this device, such as a computer screen and AR.Drone that can be controlled freely. If you have this, close to the world of the Avatar movie? このデバイスを腕に装着して動作させることで、パ…

ドキドキ!プリキュア 公式アプリAR / Dokidoki! Precure

Famous Japanese anime "Precure" for girls. I heard something and held up to the logo, it can be seen in the trailer video. We expected the transformation of unique Precure, until there was not a AR. The image recognition, AR Qualcomm's hig…