xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Augmented Reality by Pizza Hut Middle East - 中東のピザハットがARを使用したプロモーションを実施

The pizza box of 3DCG dashes out when the camera of iPad and a smart phone is turned to the distributed handbill. Moreover, it is an interactive AR handbill to which a three-dimensional menu is displayed. It induces from the paper medium o…

Baked by Melissa's Magic Cam - 食べ終わったミニケーキの空箱からARで

The illustration drawn under the box can be found by finishing eating a lot of mini cakes blocked in the box. When the camera of iPad is turned to the illustration, it is rough mysterious. 箱にたくさん詰まったミニケーキを食べ終わると、その…

Microsoft Patents Its Own Augmented Reality Glasses - マイクロソフトもARグラスを開発中?

In not only Google but also Microsoft, the AR glass of the seeing through type is being developed. Operation and the body of the device and the finger of such a type move and, in addition, a new information experience of uniting with the r…

Lion eXtreme Augmented Reality Game - ARカードゲーム

エジプトで、AR技術を使用したカードゲームがリリースされている。 Watch this video to know more details about Lion eXtreme's new Game. The First Augmented Reality game in Egypt! اتفرج علي الفيديو ده علشان تعرف تفاصيل اكتر عن لعبة لايون إكستري…

MyAriadne Spot - 旅行者向けのスマートフォン向けAR統合アプリ

Integrated application program for traveler including image recognition and location information AR technology, etc. 画像認識、位置情報AR技術などを含めた、旅行者向けの統合アプリ A brief demo for one of MyAriadne's implementation opportunit…

Augmented Reality MINI sample apps - MINIをARで体験するデモ

The model of MINI is arranged in printed matter where a lot of small stones queue up. Under such a condition, demonstration application program to be able to enjoy remodeling simulation of roof of navigation with touch point and car and ga…

ショッピングセンターの広場にARキャラクターが出現 - Skoda Yeti Interactive Installation in Sheremetievo E with Augmented Reality #AR

広場に設置された大型ディスプレイに自分の姿と、そこにはいないはずのアニメキャラが出現するという集客向けデジタルサイネージ。 Интерактивная инсталляция в терминале Е аэропорта Шереметьево для Skoda Yeti с дополненной реальностью (via YouTube …

Cypher Kids Club Augmented Reality Learning Cards - 楽しく学べるARラーニング

AR can be easily used by putting the animal card in front of the camera of the smart phone set in the installation stand. Contents that do not get tired that can be the virtual experiences it using AR will appear in the future. - In this v…

Disney Brave and Augmented Reality - 「メリンダとおそろしの森」 で拡張現実技術を使用したプロモーション

ディズニーの「メリンダとおそろしの森」 が、ディズニーパシフィックマガジンでARプラットフォームである Aurasmaの技術 を使用したプロモーションを実施。雑誌の絵にスマートフォンのカメラを向けると、ARでPVが観られるというもの。 This is an Augmented…

BLØF 'Zo Stil' Augmented Reality videoclip - オランダのロックバンドがARアプリをリリース

The application for the special smart phone that can be enjoyed in the AR stage anywhere is opened to the public at the same time as the rock band's in the Netherlands named BLØF putting single tune 'Zo Stil' on the market. BLØFというオラ…

Demonstration video of AR that synchronizes two kinds of image markers and operates. - 2種類の画像マーカーが連鎖する#AR

Demonstration video of AR that synchronizes two kinds of image markers and operates. Images of eyes are rabbit's one pictures. The rabbit of 3DCG appears when it is seen through the camera of the personal computer. Another image is a carro…

The Future Of Augmented Reality CyberShack - 少し未来のAR紹介ビデオ

The image in the future that happily becomes convenient using the head mounted display is introduced besides AR of the image recognition type using the smart device that has already been achieved. 既に実現されているスマートデバイスを使用し…

Glasgow's Best Loved Restaurants Cookbook - 拡張現実クッキングブック #AR

The one that cooking guide is seen with video when camera of smart phone is turned to image of recipe of cooking book. When it is possible to use it like this when not understanding, it is very convenient only in the photograph because it …