xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Augmented Reality in education - #ARで算数を学ぶための支援が行える

3歳の女の子が、ARを使用して算数を学んでいる様子。ARアプリケーション Aurasma を起動して、設問の図形にかざすと答えを表示してくれるというものだ。 Looks at a Year 3 student using Augmented Reality to help solve a Mathematics Problem. (via Y…

augmented reality edit - 新聞広告からショッピングサイトへ #AR

スマートフォンのQRcodeリーダーを、新聞広告に印刷されたQRcodeで読み込むと、スマートフォン向けARアプリ SHPPERS STOPがインストールされる。アプリを起動するとカメラモードになり、新聞の広告ページにかざすと新聞紙面がアニメーションし、アクション…

PicPic App iPhone Trailer - 鳥キャラクターを撮影してシェアするARアプリ



映画「踊る大捜査線」の「カエル急便」のカエルキャラクターと写真が撮れる。スマートフォン向けアプリケーションのアラプリが採用。QRCodeにかざすと、カエルのイラスト画像がカメラモードで表示される。 (via YouTube by http://www.odoru.com/specialcont…

窓の設置シミュレーションで採光の状態も可視化 - The state of the lighting is made visible by the installation simulation in the window, too. #AR

It might be an amount of light that it is anxious when the window set up in the room is chosen. Application only for smart phone that also not only simulates installation but also makes amount of light visible. 部屋に設置する窓を選ぶ際、気…

Moshi Monsters - 楽しいキャラクターの顔に変身するPC向け#AR

Moshi Monsters という絵本のキャラクターに変身できる楽しいARのデモ Moshi Monsters: Magical Mystery Tour - Published by Carlton Books on 13th September 2012 A demo of the some of the Augmented Reality fun you can have with all the Moshi Mons…

Virtual Interactive Podium (by #Fitting Reality) - フィッティングの精度が向上したFR社のデモ #AR

Demonstration video of latest fitting AR of corporate "Fitting reality" from Russia. The fitting feeling and the feeling of quality of the cloth are expressed very well. It is felt that accuracy improved considerably at the time of ARDoor.…

Seniors Guide AR Aurasma Demonstration - 冊子のシニアガイドを#ARでより楽しく

The additional value is offered by animation etc. when original application program for a smart phone 'SG AR' of Aurasma is downloaded, and it sits on the page of a senior guide of the booklet. The booklet with the AR function shows the ex…

Augmented Reality in The Onion newspaper (Rhode Island edition) #AR

オニオン新聞社(ロードアイランド州版)で利用された ARアプリケーション Aurasma のビデオ。直ぐに記事関連動画を見てもらうことが出来るARの効果的な使用方法だ。 This is a short screen capture from an iPad2 of the "teaser" auras placed in the Rhode…

Create Animated Christmas Cards - QRcode+画像認識タイプの#AR

AR demonstrates using onvert.com of Britain where AR is executed when QRcode is read, and the camera is held up in the image to be recognized afterwards. The point surely recognized is good though the print space of QRcode is necessary. I …

アルバムジャケットを#ARで拡張 - Roullier - augmented reality Aurasma presentation for 'Wide Open/Open Wide' album

It can watch PV concerning the album and the collected tune by holding up the camera in the jacket of the album 'Wide Open/Open Wide' by starting AR application Aurasma for a smart phone. Such a usage can be applied besides the CD jacket. …

Improving Productivity in LNG construction, Curtin University

AR technology used to develop oil plant. Information not immediately obtained with the word and the manual of paper by using it by the information transmission and making to visible can be offered. 石油プラントの開発のために利用されるAR…

AKB48 Augmented Reality Cards - AKBトレーディングカードで#AR

It seems to enjoy AR trading cards of AKB48 excluding Japan. 日本以外でもAKB48のARトレーディングカードを楽しんでいるようです。 (via YouTube by TheWonton) 試してみると、3人以上を同時に登場させることもOK!

Augmented Reality - ChestBurster - この#ARエイリアンはリアル

The chest tears when the camera is turned to the illustration of T-shirt by starting the application program after a special application program for a smart phone is downloaded and a real alien appears. Vuforia of Qualcomm is used for the …

Spatial augmented reality for drawing - 複数マーカーを利用したインタラクティブな操作を行う#AR

It was not so though had seen AR of a mere two or more marker type. The picture can be changed with a virtual button, the picture be expanded by two fingers, and it reduce. It is AR drawing system that seems to support it to draw the pictu…