xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Bring Chouffe Coasters to Life with the Little Gnome App powered by #Aurasma #AR

AR that makes coaster trigger. A happy experience is offered. コースターをトリガーにしたAR。楽しい体験を提供してくれる。 Celebrate Gnome Week, June 6 - 9 by downloading the FREE Little Gnome App, powered by Aurasma, and bring Chouffe coast…

Aurasma Augments the F&F Pop-Up Shop in Covent Garden - アパレルショップで顧客体験を向上させる#AR

When the camera of AR application program Aurasma is held up in the poster in the shop in the apparel shop and the tag of the dress, animation is displayed. It is obvious in the video ..what kind of dress it is.. when seeing. It is a propo…

The Aurasma Band - #ARアプリ #Aurasma Lite による3DCGバンド演奏

Four kinds of musical instruments printed on paper. IPad is done, and pictures of musical instruments on the screen are done after it sits on the paper and the tap is done sequentially. Then, musical instruments are displayed one after ano…

London Olympics Games 2012 Travel Guide - HD - eTips - ロンドンオリンピックのための#AR観光アプリ

ロンドンオリンピックがいよいよ開幕するが、ロンドンをもっと楽しむためのiPad向けアプリがリリースされた。AR機能も含んだ観光向けアプリケーションだ。 Discover London while enjoying the Olympic Games 2012 with our ultimate travel guide for iPhon…

Allo and Dinosaur friends AR - how to play? - 飛び出すインタラクティブ#AR絵本

このような飛び出すAR絵本は、これから需要がありそうだ。紙の飛び出す絵本っぽいところが面白い。 "Allo and dinosaur friends" is back in Augmented Reality!!! Description : !!! You need a marker to use "Allo and Dinosaur friends AR" !!! Select a…

Augmented Reality in the TACC/ACES Vislab - 建築で#ARを活用する先進的な研究

In May, Professor Clay Shortall's advanced graduate architecture studio on the theme of 'Augmented Reality' held their final review in the TACC/ACES Vislab. The students showed off some amazing projects investigating the relationship betwe…

Donald Fagen - Mary shut the garden door - サングラスを通して見える#AR世界

「電脳メガネ」ならぬ、「電脳サングラス」を通して見える世界を示したコンセプトビデオ。すごいけど、こわい... "Augmented reality glasses" seems to be Google's next "big thing". You put the glasses and real-time information will overwrite what …