xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


New App Could Blanket NYC's Ugly Buildings With Virtual Murals by Jessica Dailey #AR

街がアートになるAR Imagine you could walk through Times Square and instead of seeing the same obnoxious billboards, you could cover everything you see with original public art. A new augmented reality app called Re*Public wants to let you …

Qualcomm's new developer solutions: NFC, 3D, and augmented reality #AR

The technology that Qualcomm offers is not only AR. When this video is seen, it understands well. Qualcommが提供する技術はARだけではない。このビデオを観ると良くわかる。 In an effort to lure developers to create applications for the Snapdra…

La Realtà Aumentata di Utopya - 子供がよろこぶ#ARの仕掛け

イベントスペースで、ARマーカーをサイネージに設置されたカメラにかざすと。出したコンテンツが動き出す。 L'agenzia di comunicazione Utopya porta per la prima volta in Puglia un progetto di Realtà Aumentata (Augmented Reality) interattiva. In o…

Interacting with 3D models - 没入型シミュレータ #AR

高額で高性能なHMDを使用した3DCG-ARデモ。キャノンから。 DE senior editor Kenneth Wong tried out a variety of hardware found at Siemens PLM Connection 2012. Highlights include 3D mice, multi-touch display from HP, and augmented reality from …

Augmented Reality City: produced by daubit.org made with cityengine 都市をARで #AR

巨大な都市が出現するAR Mit unseren Augmented Reality (AR) Lösungen erstellen und programmieren wir schnell und preiswürdige Apps im Auftrag und Zusammenarbeit mit Agenturen. In diesem Beispiel zeigen wir die Funktionen "interior panaoama".…

Augmented Reality Demo Mediengruppe Süd - 平面図から立体的な3DCG-#AR

The final product is detailed, detailed, and the drawing can be expected to be going to sit with the camera of iPad. It is AR that can be exactly experienced. 図面をiPadのカメラでかざすと、完成品が詳しく細かく見ることができる。まさしく体験…

Wikitude Labs takes Augmented Reality to the Web #AR

Wikitude of long-established existence of AR. It keeps evolving as a location information system application program. It is not possible to take one's eyes off even to this enhance. ARの老舗的存在Wikitude。位置情報系アプリとして進化を続け…