xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Webcatalogue: Bausch+Lomb Augmented Reality - こんなとことにも天使が... #AR

嬉しそうな表情! (via YouTube esimplestudios )

Webcatalogue: Santerno Augmented Reality - 商品説明で #AR

It is possible to explain interactively by using the wall space to which many commodities are easily limited if the technology of AR is used even in the big item that cannot be carried. 持ち運べな大きな商品でもARならば簡単にいくつもの商品…

LangAR: An Augmented Reality case-study with ARchitect and Pearson #AR

Wikitude を使用した試み--- LangAR Together with Wikitude, Dorling Kindersley the Future Technologies Group within Pearson set out to create a prototype for a Augmented Reality phrase book called LangAR. (via YouTube by Wikitude )

Augmented Reality Anatomy Quiz with Skeletal Structure - 自分内蔵が透けて見えるAR

To seem to be transparent of the frame and building into as externals of the body are recognized, the overlay display is done. It is not only transparent but also when it touches the position, done the close-up display. It is possible to i…

Augmented Driving 3 - New Setup Guide - iPhone/iPadをカーナビとして使う #AR

2010年にリリースされた、iOS向けドライビングアプリ Augmented Driving がメジャーアップデート! * New major upgrade for a unique app available since its first acclaimed launch for iPhone 3GS early in 2010 * * Finally optimized for your iPhone…