xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


CES: A glimpse at #Aurasma for iOS and Android #AR

クラウド型 ビジュアルARブラウザー Aurasma のCESでの様子 (via http://cnettv.cnet.com/glimpse-aurasma-ios-android/9742-1_53-50118174.html)

Augmented Reality 3D Viewer for Android using Qualcomm AR SDK #AR

見ての通り、別の細い紙のボタン部分を指で押さえることで、アヒルの動作が変わったり、インタクティブな動きをさせることができる、QCAR のデモ。 This is an Augmented Reality 3D Viewer for Android using Qualcomm AR SDK. It was developed for the co…

PS Vita: Pocket Soccer (Augmented Reality) #AR

ゲーム機がAR端末になる。複数マーカーで場を構成してARゲームが楽しめる。 PS Vita: Pocket Soccer (Augmented Reality) (via YouTube by (sceablog )

外科医が利用出来るA - Lucio De Paolis- Intervista realizzata da OndeQuadre - Politecnico di Torino multimedia portal #AR

どこまでの精度かは不明だけど、医療分野でのARはとても期待出来る。 To where it is accuracy can expect AR in the realm of healing very much in the uncertainty. LUCIO TOMMASO DE PAOLIS -- AVR Lab, Dep. of Innovation Engineering, University of …

簡単に3Dモデルが制作出来る魔法のペン? - World's First Desktop Virtual Reality Design Kit - Leonar3Do Demo at CES 2012

The Leonar3do software brings artistic expression in to the digital world. It's the world's first desktop virtual reality design kit and offers easy 3D image sculpting, as well as augmented reality. PRODUCT: Leonar3do COMPANY: Leonar3do AV…

メルセデスベンツが提案するARダッシュボード - Mercedes Benz - Augmented Reality Dashboard at CES 2012 #AR

デモだけど、もうここまで現実として見えている未来自動車 This is auto demonstrating in the future that has already been seen here as a reality. (via YouTube by laptopmag)

Aurasma at Consumer Electronics Show - App transforms still images into video #AR

Matt Mills (Head of Innovation & Strategic Partnerships at Aurasma) appears. A strong demonstration strike ration of Aurasma was done. Aurasma is a free open source Android, iPhone and iPad app that allows you to interact with the world in…

忍者撃退ARゲーム Ninja repulse AR game - Ninjanitor #AR

巨大な画像マーカーを床に置いて、Androidのカメラアプリを通し忍者を倒すARゲーム。 NinJanitor is a multiplayer augmented reality game which combines mundane housework with martial arts. In this game, the player takes the role of a "ninja jani…