xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


顔認識技術でヘアスタイルやヘアカラーを変えるキオスク端末 - Demo video for Augmented reality photo #AR

2 in 1 Photo kiosk (ID and Augmented reality photo) 1. Augmented reality photo function - You can change your hair style in moving picture and strike a pose like a movie star 2. ID photo and fun photo function (via Youtube)

マスターカードのインタラクティブなデジタルサイネージ - Mastercard GSS

MasterCard shows customers where to get the best deals using Augmented Reality Video credits: JCD Singapore (via YouTube)

Augmented reality book - kimhongdo #AR

本の写真が、スムースに動きf出すAR。 This is an augmented reality book's prototype. When you tilt the interactive picture, you can see the other parts of picture. Used by MAXSTAR toolkit. You can see more via Maxst. www.maxst.com (via YouTu…

Maxst augmented reality prototype #AR

al-time 3D augmented reality used by MAXSTAR toolkit You can see more via Maxst. www.maxst.com (via YouTube)

ARMedia を使用した Augmented Reality Room Design #AR

Designing new kids room using Sketchup + Augmented Reality tools from ARMedia. 3D Sketchup model is overlayed live over webcam video stream using specialized marker. Sample render from the final design: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17957469/pok…

マウンテンバイクのブレーキのメンテナンスにAR - V-Brakes Augmented Reality

マウンテンバイクに設置されたマーカーを、オリジナルのHMDで表示させると、次にどのような操作をすれば良いのかナビゲートしてくれるAR。 We propose making one of the most frequent maintenance tasks in mountain bikes which is the installation of t…