xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Augmented Reality Spiel. Bachelorarbeit Moritz Meyers und Jeannette Haberland. FH Augsburg 2010 - 3Dの美しさと細かい動きが素晴らしい #AR Game


Bulmers cider garden finder app demo - iPhoneを使用したプロモーション

Fancy a break from the usual tired beer gardens? Then fret no more, Bulmers new mobile phone App will direct you to your nearest cider garden where you can enjoy an ice cold Bulmers in the sun. The App uses your mobile's GPS feature to plo…

iPhone - ARアプリ でシカゴを旅行しよう #augmented

Travel Chicago with a personal Tour Guide Let the mTrip Genius create your most personalized itinerary from the Chicago travel guide. Check out descriptions, ratings, reviews & pictures of the attractions in your travel itinerary. Trying t…

Augmented Reality in Education Web Seminar - 4 Aug 2010 - No.1-7 #AR

Augmented Reality: Seeing Learning Through a New Light Professor Bruce Thomas (Wearable Computer Lab, University of South Australia, Australia), the developer of first outdoor mobile AR game 'ARQuake', explored how augmented reality is and…