xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Total Immersion wins innovation challenge Logica Netherlands #AR

Total Immersion is the winner of the Global Innovation Venture Partner Programme (GIVP) of Logica Nederlands. The company was chosen from over 70 submissions by a professional jury . Total Immersion is the leading supplier of very advanced…

Augmented Reality Shadow: Shadow Fantacy #AR

This augmented reality story-telling shadow video is the thesis of Joon Moon, a student at Parsons. School for Design. This is a very artistic and creative work that uses augmented reality in an interactive way. The diagram below shows the…

AHUMARI Augmented Reality Bin Picking - 形状を認識して物を移動して整理出来るロボット

Profactor has demonstrated at the Automatica 2010 the combination of a light weight robot arm ROMO from FerRobotics, bin picking from PROFACTOR, and Augmented Reality visualization from Media Interaction Lab. The robot does not need a secu…

Nieuwbouwplan PuijAcker Augmented Reality #AR

Door middel van het PuijPlan kunt samen met alle andere geïnteresseerden bepalen hoe de woningen eruit komen te zien. Bovenop de standaardopties (dakkapel, uitbouw, erker, etc.) bepaalt U de stijl waarin de woningen worden gebouwd, hoe de…

Augmented Reality - "Страшно Вкусно Экзо Киви" - なんだろう?アイスクリームバーのような3Dモデル... #AR


ARES: Augmented Reality Environment Simulation - 環境問題をARでシミュレーション #AR

植栽で何も無い土地を緑化し、さらに動物を育てていく環境シミュレーション。 ARES (Augmented Reality Environment Simulation) has been a project for the Virtual Reality Class at Graz University of Technology, 2009

Demo de Realidad Aumentada, 2d, 3d y formato de video #AR

ARのポイントはビデオスキンの部分。動画は単なる2D情報だけど、それをフレームにはめ込むことで、面白い効果を出している。 Demo de diferentes aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada, objeto 2d, 3d y formato video streaming. Demo of different applicat…

Realidad Aumentada - Cambiador Virtual - Tシャツの試着シミュレーション #AR

最近は、このパターンのARが少しずつ増えている。新たな試着シミュレーションサイト。 Demostración de la Realidad Aumentada aplicada al rubro indumentaria. El usuario puede "probarse" la ropa y compartirla en Facebook. Demonstration of Augmente…

SoGeo (www.sogeocompany.com) provided French designers NoDesign.net (www.nodesign.net) with marker based augmented reality for iPhones. #AR

SoGeo (www.sogeocompany.com) provided French designers NoDesign.net (www.nodesign.net) with marker based augmented reality for iPhones. This is part of the FabWall exhibition in Paris, taking place from 7 May -- 15 August, 2010 at the Musé…

AR galery project v1 2010 - 自分の部屋にピッタリの絵を探すとき、あなたならどうする? #AR


Muse Augmented Reality Interview Dom/Chris/Matt #AR

Dom Chris Matt