xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Think3 and Seac02 announce the Green Digital Marketing Platform #AR

To Celebrate Earth Day 2010, Think3 and SEAC02 announce the "Green Digital Marketing Platform", a shared project with the goal of providing the international market an innovative platform that is also aligned with the needs of the environm…

Popular Science's Future Of ... Augmented Reality #AR

ギターの教則で使用されるARなど Popular Science's uncovers some interesting uses of Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality Guitar shows another dimension of learning music and changing the way technology will contribute to education.

Marker Free AR With Color Tracking in Processing 1.0 #AR

A Method of Augmented Reality which uses a color rather than a markere to drive an interface. Code at http://log.ardevmob.com

Augmented Reality Demo on iPhone 3GS #AR

iPhone 3GSでマーカーを使用した立体オブジェクト表示 Marker detection using NyARToolkit

NBC can read your mind, Seek the Deadliest Catch, The Social Media Socialologist #AR

NBC で幾つものARが紹介されてます。ダイジェスト版! Discovery Taps Total Immersion to Develop Augmented Reality Game for "Deadliest Catch," Microsoft Gets Social for Kin Phone Launch, Too Intrusive? Too Conservative? Here's How Promoted Twe…

kooaba and ETH Augmented Reality on nexus one #AR

nexus one でランドマークを表示するAR Visual recognition and tracking for augmented reality. Recognizes millions of items (landmarks, media covers, newspapers) and augments them.