xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


3-D Modeller/Animator for Augmented Reality Projects

ニューヨークでは、3Dモデル制作者/アニメターが集まってARプロジェクトを結成するようだ。 [ We are a New York-based small agency with a series of upcoming augmented reality projects. You are an experienced 3D artist and animator with the abil…

See the world with new eye - Augmented reality

[ Businesses are tuning in to augmented reality, writes Brad Howarth. For years we have navigated our way through unfamiliar locations by looking at guidebooks and matching their contents to what we see around us. What if we could look at …

Getfugu and InterKnowlogy to Create Application for Microsoft Windows(R) Phone 7 Series Phones

Windows Phone 7 に拡張現実のソフトがインクルードされるのかも...? "We are very pleased to have a commitment from Getfugu to build on Windows Phone 7 Series," said Todd Brix, senior director, Microsoft Corp. "We look forward to seeing Getfug…

The Auto Trader app for the iPhone or iPod Touch, is a handy application that adopts the augmented reality technology

iPhoneで自動車を選ぼう!というAR。ナンバープレイをiPhoneのカメラで認識して該当する自動車を探し出す。 Auto Trader's iPhone app uses image recognition technology to read car number plates, enabling you to quickly find car specs, reviews and …

Augmented Reality (Japan) - SREngine SDK - Screen Recording

待ちに待った和製SREngine SDK の動画が公開されていた!

CRIMSONFOX Tokyo AR fox hunting - クリムゾンフォックス / 渋谷で拡張現実を使用した宝探しゲームが行われた

公式サイト http://onosendai.jp/crimsonfox/

Augmented Reality - Magnetic

指の動きや身体の動きをマーカーにした、未来的なAR技術 Magnetic is an openFrameworks add-on developed at Fashionbuddha to meet our needs in creating high performance computer vision applications made to attract people. It's feature set exist…

Augmented Reality: CSI

CSIの世界が体験できる?AR Note: This is student spec work. CSI citizens arrest gives fans the opportunity to engage in the popular TV series by acting as crime solvers in an augmented reality game, which they can download to a mobile devic…